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Jake Paris

in Maine, in 2024

A Virgin Most Pure

Here you’ll find all things related to the song A Virgin Most Pure, as done by the Seeger Family on the album “American Folk Songs”.

Chords only (guitar)
The harmony line
Guitar chords along with sung melody

(sorry for my bad singing, it was late at night)

Original Recording

Sheet Music


A virgin most pure as the prophet foretold
should bring forth a Savior which now we behold,
to be our Redeemer from death, hell, and sin,
which Adam’s transgressions involved us in.

Then let us be merry, cast sorrows away;
our Savior Christ Jesus was born on this day!

But Mary’s full time being come as we find,
she brought forth her firstborn to save all mankind.
The inn being full for this heavenly guest,
no place there was found where to lay him to rest.

To teach us humility all this was done;
then learn we from hence haughty pride for to shun.
A manger’s his cradle, who came from above,
the great God of mercy, of peace, and of love.


Some friends visiting from Brazil, Wagner and Karina Sgobbi, translated this into Portuguese.

A virgem mui pura
A virgem mui pura a palavra cumpriu,
Nos trouxe um menino do céu que se abriu,
Para nos salvar e trazer redenção,
De nossos pecados herdados de Adão.

Natal celebremos, vamos festejar,
Jesus Cristo veio conosco habitar.

Chegados os dias que Deus escolheu,
Seu primeiro filho à luz ela deu.
Não havia espaço para se hospedar,
Pois na manjedoura o pôs a deitar.

Na simplicidade Jesus se mostrou,
A sermos humildes Deus nos ensinou.
Pequeno em seu berço o nosso pastor,
Deus grande, de graça, de paz e de amor.