Jake Paris

in Maine, in 2025


My son Judah wanted me to create this page for his aggrandizement, though he didn’t call it that.

He wrote this, uh, “lovely” piece of literature about me.

Your Shiny Pate

Your shiny pate
it is quite great
your hairless crown
is bald and round
I know the reason that it’s bare
your hot brain cells have fried your hair
the complex workings of your mind
have left your forehead creased and lined
but it must be understood
that those creases are quite good
for they tell me and my friends
where your noble forehead ends
a happy birthday to my dad
I hope this poem won’t make you sad
for though you’re teased in poem above
I give you all I have of love

His poetic services are available for hire to unsuspecting interested clients. Contact me if you have interest.

In addition to literary pursuits, the young man is open to all kinds of employment which may be offered, including toilet scrubbing, sewer diving, and tree sap collecting.