Latest journal entries
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
This is the traditional melody for this What a Friend We Have in Jesus, but arranged on guitar to sound more up to date. There are two guitars in this example track; one of them is doing the melody line.
Via Dolorosa
During our 2017 Good Friday service, we played Via Dolorosa as a music-team only song. Sarah Clarke is singing and I’m playing guitar. I had never heard of this song before, but it’s pretty interesting to play.
Evernote & GTD: A Simpler Way
I read The Secret Weapon about how to use Evernote as a Gettings Things Done (GTD) facilitator. I tried the method, but found it too labor intensive. It requires too much shifting things around manually; adding and removing tags and the like. I’d rather have a system which takes care of itself as much as possible. […]
SASS Mixins
Animations @mixin keyframes($name) { @-ms-keyframes #{$name} { @content } @-o-keyframes #{$name} { @content } @-moz-keyframes #{$name} { @content } @-webkit-keyframes #{$name} { @content } @keyframes #{$name} { @content } } @mixin animation($val) { -ms-animation: $val; -o-animation: $val; -webkit-animation: $val; -moz-animation: $val; animation: $val; } Example @include animation(( delay: .8s, duration: 1.6s, iteration-count: 1, name: fadeFromHilite, […]
Getting NPM build scripts to run-on-save in SublimeText
Today I finally got my es2015 javascript to compile to es5 javascript automatically upon save. First, I set up my project using npm. I setup the following dev dependencies: babel-cli babel-core babel-preset-es2015 In the package.json file, I’ve got the following scripts setup … “scripts”: { “build-js”: “babel scripts.pre.js –out-file scripts.js”, “build”: “npm run build-js” … […]
SublimeText settings & plugins
This page has moved to, (which is an interesting amalgamation of note-taking, database, job-tracking, journaling, and more).
Setting up Domain Mapping with WordPress MU
Most of this information can be found here, but I’d like to rewrite it for increased clarity and to add a few details. First some definitions: umbrella domain: the domain which houses the mu installation. other domain: the domain which will have a single WordPress site within the network. How To At the domain registrar, point […]
How to Create a Custom HTML signature in Gmail
Gmail has limitations on what code can be included in your signature. With this little hack you can add most html to your signature.
Fade-in text: jQuery plugin
This is a basic plugin for jQuery which adds an effect for slowly fading in text. There may be other plugins out there that have similar functionality, but this was an attempt to try building such a thing. Demo The Code
GET Query Params with Javascript
Update April 2018 Sigh, the things we learn as we go… This is actually way easier than I made it before. In fact, it’s so easy it doesn’t really need these wrapper functions around the URLSearchParams() family of things. However in the interest of making a transition from the earlier code, here you are: var […]